Cell therapy: myths and reality

21 сен, 08:48

At first glance, the idea of ​​replacing old cells with new ones seems tempting and logical. Our life begins with embryonic stem cells, which have universal properties. These cells can turn into any cell in the body - be it heart, liver or skin cells. Over time, with age, our cells lose their ability to quickly regenerate. As a result of this process, we age and our cells age, which causes health problems and skin aging. Since scientists have learned to isolate stem cells from embryos, hopes for rejuvenation and treatment of diseases have become a reality.

At present, it is known that stem cells can be found in various sources: in human and animal embryonic tissues, in the umbilical cord blood of infants, as well as in the body of an adult, although their number here is minimal. Embryonic stem cells have the greatest potential, while in adults they are mainly found in the bone marrow and ilium. Theoretically, stem cells can transform into cells of any organ and even help in the regeneration of damaged tissues, heading to where restoration is needed.

However, despite the encouraging theoretical prerequisites, the practical use of stem cells remains the subject of scientific research and debate. As Professor Igor Vladimirovich Reshetov noted, work with these cells is carried out in several directions: from replacing blood cells after chemotherapy to fighting tumors and recreating amputated tissues. But, according to him, such results are still the subject of scientific discussion, and not ready-made solutions. This is due to the fact that many commercially oriented medical institutions make unfounded promises that are not always supported by scientific data.

Doctor Galina Korchak notes that advertising often promises more than serious science can guarantee. Although myoblasts (heart muscle cells) and fibroblasts (skin cells) have been grown in laboratories, clinical results do not always match expectations. For example, studies show that although injected fibroblasts can speed up the healing process in burns and in dentistry, as well as in cosmetology, the effects of their use remain ambiguous. The exact mechanisms of these cells and their long-term results require further study.

Ethics is an equally important issue, especially when it comes to stem cells derived from embryos. It is important to understand that embryonic stem cells can be obtained not only from aborted embryos, but also from artificially created embryos in a laboratory setting or from the patient's own stem cells. This can minimize ethical risks and eliminate questions about possible harm.

Finally, there are financial risks. Stem cell therapy can cost a significant amount, and the result does not always justify the costs. In some cases, you can get not only an unexpected effect, but also serious side effects, such as the development of heart disease or even cancer. For example, The Lancet describes cases where the introduction of stem cells to dogs caused myocardial infarction. Scientists admit that although such cases have not yet been recorded in humans, the theoretical possibility of malignant tumors is not excluded.

Thus, despite the general excitement and expectations, cell therapy remains a complex and not fully understood area. Although stem cells have significant potential, their use requires more in-depth research and a cautious approach to avoid possible risks and ensure real health benefits.

Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/571370.html

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