Traveling without motion sickness: secrets of a comfortable journey

11 сен, 15:28

Summer vacation invariably causes a desire to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and go on a trip. However, it's often on the road that we encounter a nuisance known as motion sickness. This condition, also known as motion sickness, can mar even the most long-awaited trip. To make your trip comfortable, it is important to know a few useful tips and prevention methods.

1. Understanding motion sickness

Motion sickness is a discomforting condition that occurs due to hypersensitivity of the vestibular system. Its symptoms include drowsiness, dizziness, nausea and, in some cases, even fainting. Causes of motion sickness can be related to overexertion, lack of sleep, stress or physical unfitness. To reduce the likelihood of motion sickness, it is helpful to engage in physical activity and prepare your body in advance.

2. Strengthening the vestibular system

Physical activity can help strengthen the vestibular system and reduce sensitivity to motion sickness. Aerobics, jogging, volleyball or basketball can help your body adapt to the stress. It is also useful to perform special exercises aimed at training the vestibular apparatus. These can be inclines, turns of the head and torso, as well as gymnastic exercises on a tourniquet or swings.

3. Tips to prevent motion sickness

One effective way to prevent motion sickness on the road is distraction. Playing games, engaging in conversation or reading can help reduce the risk. If motion sickness does occur, try swallowing small pieces of ice and drinking acidified water. Cold on the face and neck and a warm heating pad on the feet can provide relief. Medications can be used for prevention, but only after consulting your doctor.

4. Proper positioning in transportation

The choice of seat in transportation plays an important role in preventing motion sickness. In a bus it is better to choose the front upper seats, in an airplane - seats near the wings, and on a ship - the center part. Sit facing in the direction of travel and choose a heavier watercraft, as light yachts are more likely to get motion sickness.

5. Tips for behavior on the road

In the car it is better to sit next to the driver, avoiding sharp maneuvers and sudden changes in speed. Avoid reading or looking around; focus on a stationary object in the distance or simply close your eyes and try to relax. Avoid pungent odors and don't overeat before your trip. Eating a light snack 1-2 hours before departure and avoiding sweet and fatty foods will help prevent nausea.

6. Helpful tips for the road

Take ginger or lemon with you on your trip. Their smell and taste can help with discomfort. Acidified water or unsweetened tea will also be helpful. These simple measures will help you enjoy your trip without discomfort and make your journey more comfortable and enjoyable.

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