What happens during intimacy

09 сен, 15:28

During sexual activity, the body undergoes significant changes related to hormone production and overall health. Oxytocin, known as the “cuddle hormone,” plays a key role in this process. Its effects on men and women are different, which may explain the differences in their perceptions and emotional reactions after sex.

The role of oxytocin

Oxytocin helps to reduce psychological defenses and increase trust between partners. This hormone is produced in higher amounts in women, which explains why they can experience deeper emotional attachments after sex. For men, on the other hand, oxytocin causes a sense of satisfaction rather than attachment. Instead, men also produce dopamine, which is responsible for feelings of pleasure and the desire to repeat the sexual experience.

Benefits of sex for the body

Sex not only brings pleasure, but also has a number of beneficial effects for the body:

Pain relief: Orgasm is able to block pain signals sent to the brain. This can be compared to the effects of a strong anesthetic.

Improved cognitive function: Regular sex promotes the growth of brain cells responsible for memory and learning ability. The production of testosterone during sex improves response and boosts brain function by increasing blood supply and oxygen levels.

Sexual sensations in women

An interesting fact is that there are a hundred times more nerve endings on the lips of women than on the fingertips. This makes kissing especially sensual and stimulating. Kissing promotes the production of mood-enhancing substances and increases a woman's sensitivity to sex.

Relaxation as a key to orgasm

Sexologists say that a woman often requires complete relaxation to achieve orgasm. This is because the emotional and psychological state has a significant impact on the level of pleasure. Women are advised to free themselves from unnecessary thoughts and stress in order to fully enjoy the process. For men, physical stimulation is the main factor, although relaxation can play an important role for them as well.

Sexual activity is not only a way to gain pleasure, but also an important element in maintaining physical and emotional health. Understanding the different aspects of intimacy helps you better understand your own wants and needs, as well as those of your partner.

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