Piercings: types, care and medical advice

07 сен, 15:28

Piercing is not just a fashion trend, but also a way to express your individuality. There are different types of piercings, each with its own characteristics and care requirements.

1. intimate piercings

This type of piercing is popular among women after the age of 25 who want to enhance their sexual sensations. The clitoris (horizontally or vertically), the skin fold above it or the labia are pierced. The healing period is usually about a month with good care. Intimacy should be avoided until healing is complete.

2. Lip piercings

In lip piercings, the lips are pierced on the side or in the center. It is important that the earring on the inside is between the teeth, so as not to damage the enamel. Lips can be pierced anywhere, but the first 10-15 days after the procedure can be quite uncomfortable due to food restrictions. The holes heal in 1-2 months.

3. Nipple piercing

Nipples can be pierced vertically, horizontally or diagonally. The most popular decoration is a horizontally inserted ring with a ball. The healing period is 3 to 6 months and the procedure can be painful. You may have difficulty sleeping in the first few weeks due to discomfort on the pierced side.

4. Non-traditional piercings

Includes piercings of the ankles, wrists, buttocks, chest, and soft tissue of the skull (braincase piercings). These procedures are riskier and are not always available in regular salons. They can cost several hundred or thousands of dollars.

Medical advice

Safety: Piercings should only be done in licensed salons with certified piercers. Make sure only disposable and sterilized instruments are used.
Materials: Jewelry should be medical grade steel, titanium or niobium. Silver and gold can cause scarring and other complications.
Healing Period: Different types of piercings have different healing periods:
Navel: 2-6 months
Tongue: 7-14 days
Eyebrow, nose, ear: up to 10 days
Nipple: 3-6 months
Lips: 1-2 months
Intimate: up to 1 month
Non-traditional: up to 9 months
Care of piercings

Care and hygiene: Follow the master's recommendations for piercing care. Regularly treat the piercing site with antiseptic and avoid contamination.
Diet: Make sure you eat well before the procedure to avoid dizziness and nausea.
Avoid infection: Look out for signs of inflammation such as redness, swelling or pain. In case of any problems, consult a specialist.
Choose an experienced and qualified piercing artist and follow their recommendations to avoid complications and ensure successful healing.


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