The art of continuous pleasure: introduction to orgasmic meditation

02 сен, 15:28

Orgasmic meditation, developed by Nicole Dedon, author of the book «Art of female orgasm» and founder of the commune One Taste, is a unique technique aimed at prolonging and deepening sexual pleasure. This technique allows a woman to maintain a state of arousal for a long time, turning ordinary orgasms into a prolonged process that Nicole calls "4-month orgasm". The principle of O-meditation is to remove the internal "switch" and avoid short-term episodes of excitation.

a new look at orgasm

Meditation is radically different from the traditional understanding of orgasm. Unlike the short-term peak, which many consider a climax, meditation orgasm emphasizes long-term enjoyment. According to Nicole Dedon, the climax is only one of the stages of orgasm, and focusing exclusively on the end point of pleasure - it’s like reading only the last page of a book, missing all the exciting content.

execution technique

This practice can be compared to erotic yoga. During a session of O-meditation, the woman remains naked below the waist, while the partner is fully dressed. For 15 minutes, it gently stimulates the clitoris, changing the force and speed of touches. The main focus of O-meditation is on the process and sensations, not on reaching the climax, which allows to immerse oneself in one’s own feelings and relax.

advantage of practice

Meditation not only strengthens the intimate connection between partners, but also helps a woman to better understand her body. In the process of practice there is a concentration on one’s own desires and the elimination of external irritations. This leads to more vivid and long-lasting orgasms, as well as better relationships, as partners learn to listen and understand each other.

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