How to prolong the effect of salon procedures: tips for self-care

02 сен, 08:48

Beauty takes time and effort, and to keep the effect of salon procedures long-term, it is important to observe a few simple but effective rules. These recommendations will help you not only save time and money on frequent trips to the salon, but also keep your appearance in perfect condition.

how to keep the shine of hair after a visit to the barber

When we leave the salon with perfectly groomed and shiny hair, we want this effect to last as long as possible. However, after the first self-washing of the hair often lose its shine and become dull. To avoid this, try to wash your head with cold water and finish the procedure by cold rinse. Hot water can wash out the coloring pigments and damage the hair structure, which leads to their breakage and dullness. If you want to keep the color of your hair, use tinted shampoos and products specially designed for the care of colored hair.

At home you can use natural hair rinse. For example, for blondes a decoction of chamomile is suitable, for brunettes - a tea from the bark of oak or nettles, and red hair - red tea. If you do not have time to prepare such a decoction, try rinsing your hair with mineral water and lemon juice. This will not only give the hair shine, but also prevent their electrification.

how to keep the eyelashes open

Eyelashes are a great way to make your eyes look expressive without the daily use of mascara. However, in order for them to last as long as possible, you need to follow a few rules. Try not to touch the eyelashes with your hands, especially in the first days after the procedure when they are just getting used to their new "position". If you do decide to apply mascara, only paint the ends of the eyelashes so that it is easier to wash off the makeup afterwards.


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