The effect on relationships from love reenactments: what is worth knowing

31 авг, 08:48

Love reenactment, or the revival of old feelings, can have a profound impact on existing relationships. According to research by psychology professor Nancy Kalish of the University of California, flirting and texting with ex-partners can destroy even a stable marriage. On the site, created by Kalish, you can find many stories about how old connections can flare up again, leading to unexpected consequences.

For the last 17 years, Dr Kalish has been studying the phenomenon of first love, which suddenly flares up with new power. Emotions that initially fade over time can be revived through online interaction. If family relationships start to seem routine and predictable, a person may look for emotion and excitement in correspondence with a long-time acquaintance without knowing how much it can affect his life.

According to research, about 80% of people who renew contact with former lovers and are not married remain together for a long time or even forever. However, for those already married, the consequences can be devastating. The sudden return of old feelings can cause serious problems in family life, from health disorders to depressed state due to moral conflicts.

When a person encounters memories of their first love, his brain begins to produce the same pleasure hormones as when he takes drugs. This powerful hormonal surge can cloud rational thinking, leading to uncontrollable emotions and difficulties in maintaining family relationships. However, 62% of people who experienced this experience reported the breakdown of their marriage, which confirms the danger of such searches.

However, not all the consequences of love remixing are negative. The mechanism of emotional imprinting, which captures strong feelings in the subshell, can also help to restore relationships.


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