How to make a girl fall in love with you

19 àâã, 15:28

Sometimes we set goals for ourselves that don't seem to make much sense. Someone goes skydiving, someone learns Spanish, and I decided I needed a PhD in philology. Deep into the study of someone else's dissertation, I was looking for the meaning of the word “paternalism”, when an excited colleague Vadik ran into the office:

Max, they broke up!
Manager Vadik is 23 years old, and everyone in the office knows about his unrequited love for a girl who was dating a guy named Irakli. Today their relationship ended, and Vadik is revitalized, anticipating a chance at personal happiness.

And now what? - I asked, breaking away from my search.
Now I can make her fall in love with me! - Vadik declared.
Blazing heart
Her name was Vika. The past stood behind her back, reminding of itself in photos and memories. I listened to many stories about her ex and wondered how he could do that to her. I wanted to be better than him and kept her safe from pain. I called her in the evenings to say goodnight and woke her up in the morning with wishes for a good day and declarations of love. She called me a man of celebration.

One day I decided to surprise her. I bought 15 meters of twine, a liter and a half of gasoline and went to her house. Under Vicky's balcony I laid out a huge rope heart and duplicated the drawing with a gasoline jet. Dialing her number, I asked her to look out the window and set the heart on fire. It flared brightly, illuminating the yard.

Well, how did she like you? - asked a dumbfounded Vadik.
She said that no one had ever given her such gifts, - I answered.
Attention attack
When men say that women need only perfume, diamonds and fur coats, they are wrong. Women need attention. Vika bathed in my signs of adoration. I sent her dozens of messages with words of love. Sometimes I'd write to her: “I can't find the light switch.” She'd reply: “What switch, Max?” And I'd say, “The switch for thinking about you. “It's like an obsession, day and night it's all about you.”

We'd walk by a shop window and I'd point at her and say, “Look how beautiful you are!” She laughed, and I believed the cherished milestone was near.

And? Did she love you? - Vadik asked again.
She said that I am the best, - I evaded a direct answer.
From the mouth of a child
I decided to involve a neighbor boy. Vika adored children. Kiryushka ran up to her with a bouquet of flowers and said: “This is for you from Max.” Vika opened her eyes, and I came out of hiding, hugged her and spun her around.

Well? - Vadik didn't stop.
She said I was adorable.
A crushing defeat
One day when I was kissing her fingers, she said: “Why is he not like you? You're adorable, you're the best!” She loved my attention, but not me.

Then what was it? - Vadik asked.
We were just challenging her,” I answered. - I was better, but he won.
An important lesson
So I don't have a chance? - Vadik asked.
Let time pass. Let her forget about him. Come back when her heart is free.
Vadik hung his head and walked out. I went back to the dictionary and found the meaning of the word “paternalism”. Perhaps I should take a chance and climb this peak.

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