Why girls pick bad guys

19 авг, 08:48

In a relationship there will always be a mystery: why many women, dreaming of good and reliable partners, often end up next to so-called bad guys? This question is asked by women and men, because the attraction to "bad guys" so much that sometimes it is difficult to give up. Try to understand the causes of this phenomenon and understand what exactly attracts women in men with a reputation as bullies and rebels.

What is the reason for attractiveness?
The bad guys attract women with their inner fire and confidence. They are not afraid to show their feelings and take risks. Unlike the good guys who prefer to hide their emotions, bad guys are always honest and open. They live here and now, not thinking about the future or worrying about what others think of them. It is this confidence and openness that attracts women who feel safe around those who can protect and support them in a difficult moment.

Self-confidence and independence
Good guys tend to try to please everyone around, afraid to show their identity and go against public opinion. They live by the rules and are afraid to go beyond the limits, which makes their life predictable and boring. Bad guys, on the other hand, are confident and independent. They are not afraid to make decisions and take responsibility. This makes them attractive to women who seek confidence and stability in partners, even if it is sometimes hidden behind a mutiny.

Intuition and courage
Women often intuitively feel when a man is unable to protect them in a critical situation. In a world where you have to be prepared for unexpected difficulties, the bad guys seem reliable and brave. They are not afraid to face problems and always ready to stand for themselves and their loved ones. Such behavior is respected and admired, even if it involves certain risks and dangers.


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