Compensation for residents of front-line zones: new opportunities through the «eRecovery» program

09 авг, 14:00

Residents of the front-line territories of Ukraine can now count on compensation for destroyed housing thanks to the updated "eRecovery" program. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure.

According to the new changes, commissions of local self-government bodies in communities located in the zone of active hostilities were given the right to consider applications from citizens whose homes were destroyed as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation. Now these commissions can carry out investigations and charge compensations, if such actions do not threaten the safety of commission members.

The Ministry notes that after updating the regulatory framework of the "eRecovery" program, the inspection of property can be carried out in cases where it does not pose a danger to the life and health of the commission. In such cases, after processing the application, citizens can receive compensation in the form of a housing certificate or cash payment for reconstruction on their own land.

It will be possible to buy new housing or build it only in territories where there are no active hostilities and which are not under temporary occupation. This limitation avoids situations where compensations are spent in threatened areas.

If the commission determines that the destroyed housing is subject to restoration, a corresponding survey report will be drawn up. This act will be entered in the Register of damaged and destroyed property. However, funds for reconstruction will be available only after the community is removed from the list of active combat zones.

Thus, the "eRecovery" program tries to provide support to the residents of the affected areas, helping them to rebuild their housing and return to normal life when it becomes possible.

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