Stretch marks on the hips: causes and methods of struggle

03 авг, 15:28

Hip strains are a common skin problem, often occurring during obesity or periods of rapid weight loss. They are formed by too much skin stretching when collagen fibers do not hold and break, replacing with connective tissue. At first, the lines are reddish due to the abundance of blood vessels, but over time they become whiter and more noticeable.

why the thigh stretch
The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the hips is the overstrain of the skin when changing weight. Obesity creates too much stress on the skin, causing collagen fibers to break down and cause stretch marks. They can also appear when you lose weight, when the skin loses not only fat but also elasticity.

basic principles of control against creep
It is impossible to remove the stretch marks completely, but you can significantly improve their appearance and make them less noticeable. It is important to speed up the ripening of the stretches so that they become white and thinner. It is also necessary to improve the condition of surrounding tissues and to even out the skin surface.

stretch enhancement techniques
Various cosmetic treatments such as mesotherapy and physiotherapy are used to improve the skin condition in the area of stretch marks. One of the effective methods is dermotomy - a special machine massage that improves blood circulation and skin elasticity, promoting the maturation of strains and improving their appearance.

cosmetic use

Skin moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin are used. These substances help to restore the skin structure and make stretch marks less noticeable.


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