Balneotherapy: the power of mineral waters

29 июл, 15:28

Balneotherapy, based on the use of mineral waters, has ancient roots, known as far back as the doctors of Ancient Greece, who used sea and sulphur baths for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Modern balneotherapy, developed in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, is a comprehensive approach to the treatment and restoration of the body using natural and artificially prepared mineral waters.

Balneotherapy techniques include the application of mineral waters through external treatments such as baths, spinal traction and bathing in therapeutic pools, as well as the internal application of water, such as drinking mineral waters or using them for intestinal irrigation. The variety of techniques and chemical compositions of mineral waters can effectively influence various body systems, including thermoregulation, metabolism and functional systems.

Mineral baths and other balneotherapy procedures are effective at the stage of functional disorders, when pathological processes are just beginning to develop. They contribute to changing the functional state of skin receptors, and also have a complex effect on the vegetative and central nervous systems, which makes them useful in various neurological and vegeto-vascular disorders.

Balneological reaction arising in response to balneotherapy can manifest itself in various changes in the state of the body, from physiological to pathological. This requires careful monitoring and an individual approach to each patient to minimize the risk of undesirable effects and achieve maximum therapeutic effect.

In practice, different types of mineral waters are often used, such as sulfide, carbonic acid, radon, iodine-bromine and others. Each type of water has unique properties that can affect the human body, restoring or correcting the functions of various organs and systems.

Balneotherapy is recommended for a wide range of diseases, including cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nervous system, endocrine glands and skin. However, it is contraindicated in acute diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases and in case of severe decompensated conditions of any organs. The use of balneotherapy requires mandatory consultation with a doctor to determine individual indications and to monitor the treatment process.

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