Rest and nutrition: enjoy your vacation without excess weight

26 июл, 08:48

The wonderful season of vacations is coming to an end, and many of us are already back from our hot destinations, eager to get back into the swing of things. Back home, we often think about how to keep a tan and survive the transition from the bright sun to the moderate St. Petersburg climate.

However, the velvet season is ahead, and many are still preparing for their trips. Is it really possible to imagine a vacation without traditional train snacks, night visits to restaurants and cafes with various delicacies? Of course, with an “all included” tour, the temptation to try all the dishes increases. But should you worry about excess weight?

Vacations require energy: swimming, walking and sunbathing burn calories without being noticed. Preparing for a trip usually involves buying clothes, shoes and cosmetics, which then need to be compactly packed in suitcases. It is important not only material, but also psychological state: leave all worries and problems at home to enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

As for your figure? If you have not had time to prepare for swimsuits and tight T-shirts, then vacation is not the best time to diet. Diet and vacation are incompatible: two weeks of vacation should not be spent on dietary restrictions. Vacation is a time of enjoyment, including the enjoyment of food. You should not deny yourself local delicacies and delicacies for fear of extra pounds.

However, this does not mean that you should overeat. There are some simple tips that will help you keep your figure and enjoy eating:

Don't turn eating into a cult. Eat when you really want to and enjoy eating. Forget the extra pounds and enjoy your vacation.
Swimming and water activities. Swim, dive and fight the waves. Water will help you burn calories and maintain your figure.
Walking. Walk more, explore your neighborhood, visit stores and attractions. Walking helps burn calories, especially on the water.
Dancing. Dance at a cozy bar with live music. It's not only fun, but also good for your figure.
Active games and sports. Try beach volleyball or other active games. This will help you stay in shape and enjoy sports.
Extreme sports and rides. Experience thrills on local rides. Fear helps you burn calories.
Healthy summer foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables, which are satiating and help you avoid temptations.
Be active. Go on excursions, explore new places and don't sit still.
By following these simple guidelines, you can enjoy your vacation without worrying about extra pounds. Vacation is a time to accumulate energy and positive emotions. Enjoy every moment and do not worry about your figure. When you return home, you may find that the extra weight has not added, and perhaps even gone!

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