Poland reaches a historic low in unemployment

23 июл, 15:00

In Poland, the unemployment rate has fallen to a record low since 1990, at 4.9%. Such positive dynamics indicate the steady growth of the country's economy and growing opportunities in the labor market.

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (GUS), in June the number of officially registered unemployed people in Poland decreased to 762,200 people. This is the lowest figure since June 1990, when 699,000 people were unemployed. These data indicate a significant improvement of the situation on the labor market over the past decades.

The unemployment rate of 4.9% repeats the figures recorded in 1990 and in July 2022, when many Ukrainians who left their country because of the war appeared on the Polish labor market. This indicates a stable trend of decreasing unemployment, which is supported by both internal and external factors.

Today, 17.1 million people work in Poland, of which 16 million have full-time employment. This shows that the labor market is actively developing, providing work for a significant part of the country's population. A high level of employment is an indicator of economic stability and attractiveness of Poland for employees.

It is worth noting that the data of the Polish statistical office differ from the data of Eurostat. According to European statistics, the unemployment rate in Poland is only 3%, which is the second lowest rate among the countries of the European Union. Only the Czech Republic has a lower unemployment rate – 2.7%.

For comparison, the average unemployment rate in the EU is 6%, and in the euro area - 6.4%. The highest unemployment rates were recorded in Spain (11.7%) and Greece (10.6%). This highlights Poland's success in creating jobs and maintaining a stable economy, which is an important factor for attracting investment and business development.

Thus, Poland demonstrates impressive results in the fight against unemployment, which contributes to general economic growth and improvement of the population's quality of life. These achievements create a solid foundation for the further development of the country and its integration into the European economic community.

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