Dermastabilone: a new perspective in cosmetology

12 июл, 15:28

The problem of excess fat on certain parts of the body has long bothered many people. Previously, the only way to solve this problem was liposuction, which implied a serious surgical intervention with possible risks and complications. However, today there is an alternative - mesotherapy, a procedure in which special drugs are injected locally in small doses. One such drug is dermastabilone.

Dermastabilone is a mesotherapy cocktail designed for non-invasive fat removal. After dermastabilone is injected, an inflammatory process begins, stimulating the breakdown of fatty tissue and the formation of collagen fibers. This process can last from several hours to several days.

The use of dermastabilone is recommended for the removal of localized fat deposits in normal weight. For example, it can be used to combat double chin, fat deposits on the upper back and back of the neck, and cellulite in limited areas of the skin.

However, there are some contraindications to the use of dermastabilone, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies to the components of the drug and certain internal organ diseases. It is also not recommended to use dermastabilone for those under the age of 18.

Stable results usually require two to ten treatments, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. Significant improvement is usually noticeable after five treatments. To maintain results, it is recommended to use cosmetic products for skin elasticity, as well as exercise and proper nutrition.

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