Kefir diet: an easy way to slim and health

08 июл, 08:48

Kefir diet is not only guaranteed weight loss, but also the health of the whole body. Kefir - a unique product that gives beauty and health. It contains kefir fungi, a world of useful microorganisms such as streptococcus, sticks, yeast and bacteria. Kefir actively restores the intestinal microflora, strengthens immunity, removes excess cholesterol and promotes weight loss. Kefir diet will be a rescue for those who have tried many diets, but never found its, effective.

kefir discharge diet

This is the most severe version of the kefir diet, but very effective. In three days you can lose up to three kilograms of excess weight. This diet aims to lose weight, cleanse and unload the body. Every day it is necessary to drink a liter and a half of fresh skim kefir and up to a liter of water or green tea without sugar. For those who have a strong will, this is the ideal option. For those who need a little relaxation, you can add green tea with honey and one apple a day.

Kefir diet for 7 days

This method allows you to lose up to 5 kg and improve your body. Stock up on fresh apples and raw carrots for juice preparation, and be prepared to drink up to a liter and a half of kefir a day and a liter of water. In the first three days of the diet, drink your 1.5 liters of kefir, eat up to 0.5 kilograms of green apples and prepare carrot juice. For the next three days, stick only to kefir and green tea, you can eat a few biscuits a day. For the last three days, repeat the diet with buttermilk, apples and juice, and on the last day, just the kefir.


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