The power of aromatic herbs

03 июл, 08:48

Many plants release aromatic substances that are not only pleasant to smell, but also have health benefits for humans and animals. These aromatic substances are often secondary metabolites that serve a protective function for plants.

Benefits of aromatic herbs
Today, aromatic herbs with medicinal properties are increasingly popular. They are cheaper than many medications and cause minimal side effects, while having therapeutic effects for a variety of conditions. Aromatic herbs are widely used in pharmacology, cosmetology, food industry and perfumery. One of the popular directions of alternative medicine is aromatherapy, based on the use of essential oils.

Threats to aromatic herbs
The growing demand for aromatic herbs threatens some of their species with complete extinction. There are about 2000 species of herbs used in industry in Europe, of which 1200-1300 species are native to Europe. Approximately 90% of these herbs are harvested from the wild, putting them at risk of extinction. Experts emphasize the need to cultivate aromatic herbs for their conservation.

Aguja helps with nervous exhaustion and stress, improves the lymphatic system, increases sweating and cleanses the body of toxins. It stimulates intestinal function, helps with colic and dyspepsia, improves appetite. It is also useful for colds, bronchitis and pleurisy, relieves asthma symptoms and restores the sense of smell. It is believed to improve estrogen production and help with painful periods. It is used for headaches, migraines, toothaches and inflammation. Ajagylum can be used to neutralize venom after snake bites.

Basil, bergamot and chamomile
Basil relaxes muscles, helps with mental fatigue and sharpens the sense of smell. Bergamot, popular in the Middle East, is used to treat skin conditions and relieve itching after insect bites. It is good for the nervous and digestive systems. Pharmacy chamomile has medicinal properties and helps with colds, inflammation, anxiety and nervous tension.

Sage, clove, fennel and lavender
Sage strengthens body tissue cells, contains phytoestrogens and has a calming effect. Clove has antiseptic properties and its essential oil is used by dentists for local anesthesia. Fennel stimulates circulation and has antiseptic properties. Lavender is known for its calming and relaxing effects and is used for burns, muscle pain and in the cosmetic industry.

Melissa and peppermint
Melissa uplifts the mood, relieves tension and helps with insomnia. It is also useful for heartburn and abdominal bloating. Peppermint has a calming effect, relieves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause. Its aroma affects the areas of the brain responsible for the feeling of satiety, and peppermint essential oil refreshes and cools the skin.


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