Ukraine has started serial production of long-range strike drones

02 июл, 15:00

Ukraine is once again defined as an advanced state in the field of military technology, announcing the successful introduction into serial production of its own long-range strike drones. These drones are currently capable of striking enemy strategic targets at a distance of more than 1,000 kilometers.

General Director of Ukroboronprom Herman Smetanin reported this in an interview with ArmiyaInform. He emphasized the importance of this step for strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities and confirmed that the production of such technologies became possible thanks to successful cooperation with the private sector.

"Our enterprises, which established close cooperation with private companies and helped them scale up production, made a significant contribution," - emphasized the general director of Ukroboronprom.

Smetanin also noted that Ukraine should continue to invest in innovation and the development of the latest technologies to ensure the country's security in the face of global challenges and threats.

"We cannot underestimate our potential enemies, especially such a powerful one as Russia. History has shown that it is flexibility and innovation that allow us to defeat the enemy, even with extraordinary industrial power," he emphasized.

In the interview, it was stated that Ukraine's strategy consists in a unique innovative approach to the development of military technologies that meets modern challenges and threats. The head of Ukroboronprom compared this approach to the story of David and Goliath, calling for wisdom and courage in choosing a strategy and means to protect national security.

This new achievement of Ukraine in the production of military equipment testifies to the country's high potential and readiness to defend its independence and territorial integrity in the complex geopolitical conditions of today.

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