Oatmeal: useful and tasty

01 июл, 15:28

For many people, oatmeal is associated with a bland flavor that is hard to like, despite its health benefits. However, there are ways to make oatmeal delicious: oatmeal cookies, bars, baked oatmeal and crispy apple pie with oatmeal. Let's break down what oatmeal is and how to use it.

Oatmeal Basics
Oatmeal, most often used to make breakfast cereal, can also serve as an ingredient for baked goods and toppings. Oats are not consumed in their pure form. It is first peeled from the outer shell and husks. After that, the oat grains become oat groats, a nutritious product that can be boiled or used in a variety of dishes.

Types of oatmeal
After cleaning and processing oats, different types of oatmeal are obtained. For example, "hercules" - oat flakes, which are widely used for breakfast and baking. These flakes can be used to make oatmeal cookies and breads because of their rich flavor and texture. Oat flour is also made from oat flakes and is used for baking.

Nutritional value of oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in nutrients that are vital for the body:

Fiber: the soluble and insoluble fiber in oatmeal helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, cholesterol levels, normalize weight and blood pressure, improve glycemic control, reduce the risk of cancer and improve GI function.
Micronutrients: oatmeal is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, thiamine and phosphorus, which are essential for the growth and strengthening of teeth, bones and muscles.
Other nutrients: oatmeal contains sodium, vitamin E, K, B6, B2, niacin and folic acid, which are important for the nervous system, connective tissues and energy flow.
Proteins: oatmeal is rich in protein, which provides the body with energy.
Complex carbohydrates: they are more slowly converted into glucose, which provides a constant flow of energy throughout the day.
Antioxidants: the flavonoids in oatmeal protect against gastritis, lung and prostate cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
Useful properties of oatmeal
Regular consumption of oatmeal has many health benefits:

Reduces the risk of high blood pressure.
Controls insulin and blood glucose levels.
Reduces cholesterol levels and promotes weight loss.
Reduces the risk of hormonal diseases.
Prevents cancer of internal organs.
Helps avoid constipation.
Stabilizes estrogen levels.
Acts as an antidepressant and helps to cope with depression.
It is a natural immunostimulant.
Reduces the risk of breast cancer in menopausal women.
Supports dental health in children.
Prevents intestinal diseases.
Oatmeal is a versatile and nutritious food that can be made delicious and varied. By including oatmeal in your daily diet, you can significantly improve your overall health and enjoy a multitude of culinary experiments.

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