Ascorutin: a myth or a real way to lose weight

26 июн, 08:48

Ascorutin is not only a vitamin and mineral complex, but also a remedy with antioxidant properties, helping to improve capillary blood circulation and participating in metabolism. Such properties make it attractive for use in weight loss, especially as part of an oxygen diet. But what is behind this concept, and how does ascorutin affect the body?

Dangerous free radicals
Free radicals are atoms or molecules with an unpaired electron in the outer orbit, which seek to attach an additional electron to themselves, than violate the properties of molecules in tissues. Their formation is associated with oxidation processes in the body, which can lead to the accumulation of fatty deposits.

Dual effects
Free radicals can be both harmful and beneficial. In large quantities, they contribute to aging and disease, but in limited amounts they regulate cell reproduction and protect the body from infections. Antioxidants, such as ascorutin, can help manage excess free radical formation.

Antioxidants: benefits and harms
Antioxidants can neutralize the effects of free radicals, interrupting the chain reaction and restoring normal metabolism. However, taking artificial antioxidants can be dangerous, as their excess can cause unpredictable consequences.

Ascorutin for weight loss
Ascorutin can be used as an additional tool in an oxygen diet based on the consumption of foods high in antioxidants. A doctor may recommend taking ascorutin in courses, following the recommended dosage and duration of intake.

Precautions for use
Self-use of ascorutin for weight loss is not recommended. Before you start taking it, you should consult a doctor to avoid possible negative consequences and use it exclusively as part of a comprehensive approach to weight loss.

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