Chemical and gmo free skin masks

24 июн, 08:48

Using natural products to create skin care masks is not only environmentally friendly, but also effective. Vitamin-enriched masks are particularly notable for their ability to transform the skin and give it a healthy and radiant look. For example, vitamin PP, also known as nicotinic acid, has unique properties, making the skin smooth and well-groomed. This vitamin is found in foods such as cereals, beans and yeast.

To prepare a mask with yeast, mix 2 teaspoons of yeast with warm milk or sour cream, add honey, vitaminized fish oil and lemon juice. After applying the mask on your face and soaking for 20 minutes, wash it off with a weak solution of black tea. Another option is a wheat germ mask that will make your skin soft. Simply mix the germ with water and cream, apply it to your skin and wash it off after 15-20 minutes.

Vitamin A, or retinol, is essential for healthy skin. Its deficiency can be manifested by dryness and flaking. A mask with carrot juice, cottage cheese and sour cream nourishes the skin and moisturizes it well. Another way is a mask with chamomile infusion and butter, which has a healing effect and soothes the skin.

Vitamin E is the key to skin elasticity and prevents skin aging. For a mask with it, use vegetable oil with oatmeal, milk and honey. This recipe helps to keep the skin young and well-maintained. Another variation is a bread mask with olive oil, which leaves the skin smooth and moisturized.

These simple and effective masks allow you to get the maximum benefits of natural vitamins without the use of chemicals and genetically modified foods. All you need to do is choose the right ingredients and take care of your skin regularly to keep it healthy and beautiful at all times.


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