Hair care: modern phytotherapy

17 июн, 15:32

Healthy hair is not only a sign of beauty, but also an indicator of the overall health of the body. Hair is made up of keratin and plays an important role in our appearance. Hair problems such as baldness or decreased hair quality can be the result of heredity, stress, nutrient imbalance and other factors.

Hair care from the inside out

One of the key aspects of hair care is proper nutrition. Vitamin C, which can be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables, plays an important role in maintaining healthy hair. In addition, vitamin B, protein and other nutrients found in meat, fish, eggs and other foods are essential for healthy hair.

Herbs to strengthen hair

Phytotherapy offers a number of herbs and plants that can help strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. For example, the root of the multiflowered bitterroot and the fruit of the dereza tree are used to support the blood and liver, which Chinese medicine believes promotes healthy hair. In addition, natural herbal shampoos can help improve hair health and reduce hair loss.

Homemade recipes for hair care

There are many homemade recipes for hair care based on natural ingredients. For example, an herbal shampoo made from thyme can help fight dandruff, while a mask made from egg yolks and apple cider vinegar can make your hair shiny and strong.

Choosing herbs to strengthen your hair

Some herbs and plants are known for their positive properties for hair. For example, sage helps strengthen weakened hair, rosemary improves dark hair, and chamomile promotes healthy hair growth. Catnip and burdock root are also popular in phytotherapy for accelerating hair growth and strengthening hair.


Hair care using phytotherapy can be an effective way to keep your hair healthy and beautiful. However, before starting any treatment, it is important to consult a doctor or specialist to choose the most appropriate methods and ingredients.

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