Why do you feel tired?

11 июн, 15:28

You are full of energy and determination in the morning, but by the end of the day you feel exhausted. Why does this happen? Maybe you don't get enough sleep, or your lifestyle isn't quite right?

Chronic fatigue: causes and effects
Complaints about a constant feeling of fatigue - a common phenomenon. But everyone describes it in their own way: some are simply tired, some are overworked, and some are simply unable to do what they had planned.

If constant fatigue haunts you, then perhaps it's not just about overwork. You're probably asking yourself the question, “Am I working too much?” But research shows that the problem is often that you're not working enough.

The cure for fatigue: exercise
The modern lifestyle with its stress, lack of exercise and poor diet is often the cause of fatigue. Doctors identify three main aspects that should be changed to increase energy:

Nutrition: forget caffeine and sugar. They may temporarily boost your energy levels, but then you will feel even more tired. Eat a balanced diet with more fruits, vegetables and protein.
Sleep: many women don't get enough sleep. Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, and ensure you have a quiet and peaceful bedroom environment.
Physical activity: regular exercise increases energy levels and improves overall health. Exercise at least three hours before bedtime.
Benefits of exercise
It is important to realize that exercise should not exhaust you, it should make you more energetic. Almost all studies show that people who start exercising feel much better than those who prefer a passive lifestyle.

Recommendations for a successful workout
Experts recommend exercising for at least 40 minutes four times a week. Note the results will not be immediately. The first improvements can be expected after a month of systematic exercise. After three to six months, you will notice a significant improvement in health.

Additional causes of fatigue
In addition to physical inactivity, fatigue can be caused by medical problems. It is important to look for factors such as anemia, nutrient deficiencies, thyroid problems, diabetes, depression, and sleep disorders.

If fatigue is accompanied by other symptoms, you should not delay a visit to the doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine the true cause of your condition and prescribe the right treatment.

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