Care: vitamin masks for facial skin

05 июн, 08:48

Fall is the time when your skin needs extra vitamins. Treat your skin with vitamin masks! At this time of year, it is especially important to provide your skin with everything it needs for its health and beauty.

A facial mask made from calamus is a great way to infuse your skin with vitamins. Kalina berries are scalded with boiling water, then kneaded and mixed with starch to the state of porridge. This mask is recommended to apply to the face for 20 minutes, so that the skin received the maximum benefit of vitamins.

Face mask from apples is ideal for moisturizing dry skin and restoring the water balance of oily skin. For dry skin, it is recommended to use sweet apples and for oily skin, sour apples are recommended. The apple is replicated on a grater until it is mashed, then mixed with honey and ascorbic acid. For dry skin, you can add a little vegetable oil and an egg yolk.

Face mask from sea buckthorn is an excellent means of nourishing and soothing for the skin, and also narrows the pores. This mask is suitable for all skin types. Sea buckthorn berries are scalded with boiling water, then kneaded and mixed with sour cream or cottage cheese, depending on skin type.

Face mask from honey has nourishing and moisturizing properties, and also protects the skin from inflammation and harmful environmental influences. To prepare this mask, mix a few spoons of honey with barley flour and protein.

Vitamin face masks are a great way to keep your skin toned and take care of its health, especially during the period of fall changes.

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