Face: the mirror of life and care

02 июн, 15:38

Why do some people look twenty-five at forty and others look forty at twenty-five? Creams, plastic surgery - yes, these are important, but there are other factors that affect the youthfulness of your skin.


Heredity is something we don't choose. It is either there or it is not. No cream can help change heredity, but you can work with what you have. For example, if you and your mother share the same skin type and tendency to wrinkle, it's worth seeing a professional beautician to develop a suitable skin care program.


How you lead your life affects the condition of your skin as much as your genes. Improper skin care, smoking, lack of sleep, poor diet, overwork, sunburn can all accelerate the skin aging process. Your face is truly a reflection of your lifestyle.

Sleep and rest

Lack of sleep and overwork can take a toll on your face. Sleep is the time when your skin regenerates, so it's important to make sure you get enough sleep for healthy skin.


Constant stress can take a toll on your skin. Stress can lead to wrinkles and deterioration in skin texture. Therefore, it is important to find ways to cope with stress and make time to relax.


Work can affect your appearance. The more responsibility you have at work, the more you can look older than your years. Long hours in the office, dry air, and computers can all take a toll on your skin.

Personal life

Personal relationships can also affect your appearance. If your personal life is filled with stress and conflict, it can affect your skin. Therefore, it is important to take time to take care of yourself and maintain healthy relationships.

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