Anastasia Volochkova: the secret of the famous ballerina's slimness

25 май, 08:48

The secret of slimness of the famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova turned out to be quite simple, as she herself claims. She shared it on her Twitter, publishing a photo of her “dense” dinner, consisting of a small amount of parsley and 1-2 fresh cucumbers. When asked by one of her followers about how one can get full with such a dinner, the ballerina replied that one should load oneself with things to do so as not to think about food, and move more.

With a height of 171 cm Anastasia Volochkova for a long time maintains her weight within 48-49 kg. She follows a diet that includes a cup of tea with lemon or water with honey for breakfast, snacking on vegetables, fruit, a piece of cheese or a cup of tea during the day. Nuts, frozen yogurt, and ice cream and sherbet are also part of her diet.

Interestingly, Volochkova has refused meat since childhood, preferring fish in raw form, as well as vegetable cutlets. She likes boiled beets and spinach with the addition of olive oil, this is what is her favorite dishes.

Anastasia Volochkova's approach to nutrition, based on small portions, vegetables, fruits and low-calorie foods, allows her to maintain a slim figure, despite the active life and physical activity that characterizes the ballerina. She encourages her followers to keep busy and move more, which she believes is also important for staying healthy and fit.

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