Changes from the EU economic policy: a call from Germany and France

27 май, 14:00

The economic ministers of Germany and France, Robert Gabec and Bruno Le Maire, published a comprehensive draft concept that was called upon before the reform of economic policy in the European Union. According to the DPA agency, this initiative is aimed at stimulating economic growth and reducing bureaucracy over the next five years.

The ministers spoke about the need to support research in the areas of artificial intelligence, biotechnology and aerospace industry. They also paid attention to the need to strengthen the EU's defense sector and develop cross-border trade unions.

This initiative also sets itself the task of accelerating the transition to new sources of energy, so that the approaches of Germany and France can be improved.

Within the framework of this project, the participating countries of the EU were committed to working together in order to achieve specific climatic and energy goals.

Previously, the leaders of the EU member states discussed reforms in nine areas, aimed at updating the economy and improving competitiveness. In this short time it is necessary to catch up with world leaders in the field of technology.

According to the Minister of Economy of Spain, the European Union can find a way to increase its government that will be acceptable to the Constitutional Court of Germany, if there is sufficient political will.

However, the Minister of Finance of Germany came up with the idea that the European Union is not obliged to expand its financial programs until its members regulate their financial diet.

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