Ukraine is on the way to a free trade zone with Argentina and Chile

20 май, 14:00

Ukraine is actively developing strategic partnerships with Latin American countries, which opens up new opportunities for Ukrainian manufacturers in this promising market. This was announced by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Economy Yulia Svyridenko.

One of the key directions is cooperation with Chile. According to Svyridenko, Chilean companies are showing interest in investing in Ukraine, particularly in the sectors of mining, agriculture, processing industry and digitalization. Chile is also ready to share its experience in public-private partnership and readiness to create joint ventures with Ukrainian partners.

Special attention was paid at the meeting to the deepening of cooperation between the chambers of commerce of Ukraine and Chile, as well as investment agencies of both countries. The future Free Trade Agreement between Ukraine and Chile was also discussed, as well as initiatives to improve logistics for exports and support Ukrainian energy infrastructure in conditions of systematic shelling from Russia.

In addition to Chile, Ukraine also actively cooperates with Argentina. According to Yulia Svyridenko, both countries have a lot in common in the structure of the economy and approaches to management. It was noted that Argentina is a strategic leader in Latin America, therefore the development of interaction with it is important both for economic growth and for strengthening security projects.

The Diplomatic Corps of Ukraine is also actively working on the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Relations with the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean Basin, which was developed for five years. This document aims to bring cooperation in all spheres to a new qualitative level, in particular in the context of countering Russian aggression and supporting the restoration of peace in Ukraine.

It should also be noted that Ukraine is intensifying cooperation with other countries of the region, in particular with Brazil, with the aim of intensifying economic ties and increasing trade.

Thus, strategic partnership with Latin America becomes an important aspect of Ukraine's foreign policy aimed at expanding international markets and strengthening its position in the global economic space.

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