How to stay beautiful: summer grooming secrets

14 май, 15:28

In hot weather, attractiveness can be expressed in a well-groomed, fresh look that requires little effort. An important rule for summer is naturalness in hair and makeup. In this case, the makeup will remain perfect in any situation: on the beach, at a party, in the office or a walk on the streets.

Simple hairstyles. In the heat, straight hair can lose volume due to humidity. It is best to take advantage of this and opt for simple hairstyles such as a ponytail or a bundle. You can experiment with different options, adding original elements or accessories. For unruly short hair, a layered haircut with ripped ends will be suitable.

Foot care. In addition to facial care, it is important to pay attention to the feet. Daily application of cream and periodic buffing will help keep the skin soft and moisturized. For extra dry skin, you can use lemon juice to soften and cleanse the skin on your feet.

Facial Skin Refreshment. In the summer, skin can become oily due to the heat. Instead of using a heavy foundation, it is better to use a light powder with sun protection. It is important to let your skin breathe, so you should not overdo it with makeup. Instead of powdering your face several times a day, it is better to moisturize it with a spray and let it dry naturally.
Skincare. During the summer months, you should avoid products that slow down skin aging, as they can make your skin sensitive to sun damage. It is better to use non-greasy moisturizers with sun protection and scrub regularly to cleanse pores.

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