Germany is considering shooting down drones over Ukraine using NATO air defense systems

14 май, 14:00

Representatives of several German parties express the possibility of involving air defense systems (ADF) on the territories of Poland and Romania to protect the sky over Western Ukraine.

According to DW, German politicians are considering the possibility of helping Ukraine repel attacks by Russian drones using air defense systems located on NATO's eastern borders - in Poland or Romania.

It is noted that representatives of several German political parties, including the Free Democratic Party (VDP) and "Union 90"/Greens, consider it possible to use such measures.

Politician Agnieszka Brugger from the "Greens" party considers it correct to use air defense systems on the borders with Ukraine to protect the western parts of the country.

This point of view is supported by her party colleague Anton Hofreiter.

VDP MP Markus Faber believes that such a step is possible if there is a sufficient number of anti-aircraft systems.

Member of the opposition party Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Roderich Kiesewetter believes that this will help relieve Ukrainian air defense and ensure the protection of the front.

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