Take care of your feet: how to avoid corns and calluses

12 май, 15:28

Do you dream of smooth and well-groomed feet, but are constantly faced with calluses and corns? Let's understand why these problems can appear and how to deal with them. To do this, let's turn to the opinion of dermatologist Larisa Bondareva.

Calluses and corns can occur for various reasons. One of the most common is wearing tight and unsuitable shoes, as well as excessive pedicure. Sometimes they are formed due to flat feet or improper foot positioning, especially with the frequent use of high heels.

The foot has a thick skin that protects it from damage. However, it can sometimes thicken due to excessive care or pressure, leading to the formation of calluses and corns. Therefore, it is important to provide your feet with proper care, but not to overdo it.

Removing old calluses can be a difficult process, especially if they are stale. Sometimes, removing them incorrectly can lead to fistula formation and reoccurrence of calluses. This is why it is important to seek professional help.

It is important to choose the right shoes, especially during periods when the feet are subjected to increased stress, for example, in the summer. In addition, “violent” methods of dealing with calluses should be avoided, as they can lead to injuries or infections.

For foot skin care, it is recommended to use products with lactic acid or urea to help reduce skin thickening. It is also important to ensure that the feet are adequately moisturized by using oil compresses or special creams.

In addition, to reduce sweating feet can be used baths with decoctions of chamomile, calendula or black tea, which will help to dry the skin and prevent the formation of calluses and corns.

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