How to hide freckles: real tips

12 май, 08:48

Spring can be challenging for those who suffer from the appearance of freckles. The natural light makes them more noticeable, they seem to get brighter every day. But there are ways to make them less noticeable. Let's take a look at a few recommendations.

IT IS TALKED THAT a tan will help hide freckles. However, direct exposure to sunlight can provoke their appearance. For those who already have a tan, freckles can become even more noticeable, while UV radiation can damage the skin.

It is said that applying a brightening serum can help. But you need to be careful as overuse of such products can cause unwanted effects such as white patches.

It is said that natural masks made from sour cream, apples or lemon can help reduce the appearance of freckles. But it's important to choose ingredients with your skin type in mind. Some ingredients can dry out the skin, which is not good for dry skin.

It is said that vinegar or hydrogen peroxide infusions can help remove freckles. However, these remedies can be harsh and can cause burns if used improperly.

Therefore, it is recommended to be cautious and not to try such methods without consulting a specialist. It is better to use milder methods, such as wiping your face with ice cubes made of parsley infusion or using masks made of natural ingredients such as strawberries or strawberries. Always remember to protect your skin and avoid direct sunlight after cosmetic procedures.





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