Milk beauty secrets

09 май, 15:28

The amazing properties of milk have been known since the times of ancient civilizations. It is known that the Egyptian queen Cleopatra used milk to keep her skin beautiful and youthful. Let's take a look at what home treatments using milk can transform your skin and hair!

Milk mask

Let's start with a face mask, which will put your skin in order and give it a healthy look. To prepare this mask, you will need 1 cup of milk, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of brandy. This mask will help to even out your complexion tone and revitalize your skin, making it fresh and radiant.

Delicate exfoliation

To keep your skin firm and postpone the appearance of wrinkles, you can use a homemade peeling based on milk and oatmeal. Simply pour 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of hot milk, let it infuse and apply it on your facial skin. This method will help remove keratinized skin cells, leaving your skin soft and smooth.

Hair Mask

Want your hair to become supple and shiny? Try a hair mask based on banana and milk. Mix mashed banana with milk and lemon juice, apply it to your hair and leave it on for a while. This recipe will help moisturize and nourish your hair, making it manageable and silky.

Latin American body scrub

Cleanse your skin with a milk and sugar based scrub. This scrub will help remove keratinized cells and leave your skin soft and smooth. Simply mix sugar, milk and coconut oil and apply to your body using gentle massage strokes.

Milk baths

Finally, don't forget milk baths, which were Cleopatra's favorite self-care remedy. Simply add a couple cups of milk to a warm bath and enjoy a relaxing treatment. It will help moisturize and soften your skin, making it healthy and beautiful.

Milk-based cosmetics

If you don't have enough time for home treatments, don't despair! There is a wide range of milk-based cosmetics that can help you keep your skin and hair beautiful and youthful.


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