Marble homemade soap: a masterpiece for skin care

08 май, 15:28

Soap with natural cocoa butter and the aroma of chocolate is not only a gourmet delight, but also skin care. It is a marble soap designed to combat dryness and withering of the epidermis. Its regenerating and moisturizing properties make it an ideal choice for those who appreciate natural care.

Marble soap “Chocolate Duet”: master recipe

110 g of white and transparent base;
A piece of milk chocolate;
0.5 teaspoon cocoa butter;
1 teaspoon of milk powder;
Brown coloring;
Hot Chocolate perfume;
Alcohol in a spray bottle;
Round plastic jar;
Two heat-resistant salad bowls;
Sticks for stirring the base.
Making marble soap:

Mix the milk powder and glycerin until smooth.
Cut both bases into cubes. Add cocoa butter to the white base and grated chocolate to the clear base.
Melt the bases: first the clear base, then the white base. Add coloring and fragrance to the clear base, and add the milk powder mixture and fragrance to the white base.
Cool the bases to 55-60 degrees.
Pour the bases into the mold, make a marble pattern.
Drizzle with alcohol to remove bubbles.
Chill the soap in the refrigerator.
Trim and separate into pieces.
Chocolate flavored marble soap is not only beautiful but also good for your skin. By following this recipe, you can create an amazing skin care product right at home.

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