The art of sensuality and communication

03 май, 08:48

Do you always understand what your partner needs when you are silent? In marriage, words often become too unnecessary or, on the contrary, not enough. Instead of expressing yourself with words, you can do it with touch. This language appears before words and remains understandable even for adults. In the bedroom, every touch carries its own meaning and can become an invitation to intimacy.

In erotic communication it is important to find a balance. Touches should be light and gentle, and their purpose is to strengthen intimacy and mutual understanding. They should be so natural that the boundary between them and intimacy is blurred.

You should not be afraid to express your desires. A partner should know that you desire and value intimacy. This helps to create a trusting and open relationship.

Pretended modesty can be a barrier to real intimacy. Being uninhibited is important so that you can truly enjoy each other and your relationship.

It is important to remember that frankness and communication in the bedroom is not a criticism, but a desire for a better and more satisfying relationship. If something brings pleasure to your partner and you are not disgusted by it, why not try to satisfy their desire? Mutual respect and openness will help you enrich your sex life and strengthen intimacy with your partner.

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