Rules of piercing care: important tips

21 апр, 08:48

Piercings, which previously served as a sign of belonging to various groups, in the modern world has become a fashion accessory, but care of it requires special attention for rapid healing and prevention of complications.

Before treating piercings, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly, preferably with the use of antibacterial soap. You can then proceed to treat the piercing itself. For piercings that are not located on the mucous membranes, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol solution or antiseptic agents are suitable. In case of redness or crusting, you should consult a doctor for treatment.

Puncture sites can be treated with various means, such as chlorhexidine, which is part of many ointments and creams, or special bactericidal patches. For piercings on mucous membranes, such as the oral cavity or genital area, it is recommended to use specialized means, such as "Hexoral".

In the first few days after the piercing procedure, you should refrain from visiting saunas, swimming pools and taking hot baths. It is recommended to wear treated cotton clothing.

If there are signs of inflammation or purulent discharge from the wound, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should also contact a specialist if there is an increase in body temperature.

Proper care for piercings contributes to its rapid healing: ear piercings heal in a month and a half, eyebrows - in three months, lip - in one and a half to two months, nose - in two and a half months, nipples - in a couple of months, genitals - in a month and a half, and tongue piercings - in less than six months. It is also necessary to avoid changing jewelry on your own and, if necessary, contact a specialist.

Conclusion: before getting a piercing, think about how much you really need it, and if you decide to do it, follow all the recommendations for its care to avoid complications.

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