Five reasons to take care of breast health

17 апр, 08:48

Breasts are a symbol of femininity and beauty, but their attractive shape hides important health data. Worry, stress, poor diet, and other factors can leave marks in the form of mastitis. We can do our part to keep our breasts healthy, starting with taking care of our own "appetizing roundness." Here are five good reasons to start today!

Sensitivity and mastitis

Women's breasts are sensitive, and this doesn't just apply to gentle touch. Stress, poor diet, and other factors can lead to mastopathy, a condition characterized by overgrowth of areas of breast tissue. Although it is a benign disease, its neglected forms may require serious intervention.

Statistics and risks

The data speaks for itself: one in four women under the age of 30 is diagnosed with mastopathy, and the condition also increases the risk of developing breast cancer by 3-5 times. This encourages us to take care of the most vulnerable organ in our body.

Risk factors

Modern lifestyle, abortion, not breastfeeding, late childbirth and having only one child can all increase the chances of developing mastitis. Hormonal changes and stresses caused by our lifestyle play a key role in causing this condition.

Prevention and care

Many women mistake breast pain and discomfort before menstruation as something normal. However, this can be a warning sign of mastitis. Severe PMS can indicate elevated levels of the hormone prolactin, which increases the risk of this disease. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the signals our body sends and take care of breast health.


Your breasts deserve care, attention and a healthy lifestyle. Not ignoring the first symptoms of mastitis and regular medical check-ups can save you from serious problems in the future. Don't put off taking care of your health for later - start today.

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