Ukrainian courts have already made nearly 400 decisions on compensation for damages caused by Russia

03 апр, 09:30

As of the end of March 2024, Ukrainian courts have already issued almost 400 decisions on compensation for damages caused by the Russian Federation. However, this is only the beginning, as the Register of Damages for Ukraine will be launched in The Hague in April, enabling anyone affected by Russian aggression to apply for compensation. This is reported by the information resource "Opendatabot".

According to analysts, as of today, Ukrainian courts have made at least 397 decisions regarding compensation for damage caused by Russia's military aggression since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. This number of cases is growing steadily, and the initiative of citizens to protect their rights continues to gain momentum: in 2022, 44 cases were considered, and in 2023, 262 cases were considered.

In the first three months of 2024, 91 new court decisions have already been added to the Register of Damages regarding compensation for the damage caused by Russia's war. The majority of these decisions are in favor of citizens - 292, and another 105 decisions were made in favor of businesses.

In 2024, at least 487 cases are being considered against Russia as an aggressor country, of which 310 cases were filed by citizens and 177 by businesses. However, it is emphasized that the actual implementation of these decisions is currently difficult, as there is no appropriate mechanism. However, on April 2, 2024, the Register of Damages for Ukraine will be opened in The Hague. This will allow citizens affected by the war with Russia to file a claim for free through Diia.

Opendatabot emphasizes that it is only necessary to provide relevant information about the victims, their property and damages, as well as an assessment of the damage and additional evidence to confirm the information provided in the application.

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