Border crossing points are blocked: Tense situation on the Polish-Ukrainian border

02 апр, 09:30

Polish farmers continue their protests by blocking traffic at two border crossing points, which has already caused serious obstacles to the transportation of goods. According to the State Border Guard Service, this situation may become even more acute, as farmers are considering resuming the blockade at another checkpoint, Uhryniv-Dolhobyczów.

The situation at the Yagodyn and Rava-Ruska checkpoints remains tense. Farmers are not allowing trucks to cross into Poland, resulting in zero crossings by trucks leaving Ukraine.

Andriy Demchenko, a spokesman for the State Border Guard Service, said the situation is critical, with 500 trucks waiting at the border, 250 in front of each checkpoint. At the same time, the movement of cars and buses is not restricted, and they can cross the border without obstacles.

It is noted that from April 2, Polish farmers may resume the blockade at the Uhryniv-Dolhobyczów checkpoint, where the actions were previously temporarily suspended for the Easter holidays. Currently, traffic at this checkpoint is free in both directions.

As a reminder, last week the blocking of truck traffic in both directions at Uhryniv-Dolhobyczuv was temporarily suspended. It is also worth noting that at the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint, the traffic of all vehicles was unblocked on March 20, and at the Zosyn-Ustyluh checkpoint - on March 21.

The overall situation on the Polish-Ukrainian border remains quite tense, and the decision of Polish farmers to resume the blockade may further complicate border crossing and transportation of goods. It remains to be seen how this situation will be resolved and whether the parties will find a compromise.

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