Staying friends: myth or reality

29 мар, 08:48

Usually, when it comes to parting, unpleasant associations come to mind: conflicts, offenses, tears and the like. Sometimes the end of the relationship becomes destructive for one of the partners. Therefore, the question arises: is it possible to remain friends with your ex? After all, friendship requires the same level of trust and affection as a romantic relationship. One begins to wonder if it is even possible to maintain such ties and whether it is worth doing so.

It is important to consider two factors that can affect the possibility of maintaining a friendship with a former partner. First, the reasons for the breakup and their subsequent development. And secondly, the emotional maturity of both parties.

However, cases of maintaining friendship after a breakup are rare. The question is how many of us are able to periodically communicate with the one who was our partner? Is this really possible?

If the breakup is consensual, there is a chance to maintain a good relationship. When both partners come to the conclusion that it is better to break up, they can maintain respect for each other. However, this is rare. More often than not, one partner leaves the other, which breaks the ex's heart, and he or she may take a long time to recover.

If you want to try to stay friends after a hard breakup, be prepared for the following:

You won't be able to trust each other as much as you would a regular friend. Sharing thoughts and feelings may lead to jealousy or resentment.

One party will often be hurt and try to get even, which can negatively affect the relationship.

You may evaluate your former partner's new partners critically, which could cause conflict or seek to destroy their relationship.

Some may agree to a friendship in hopes of rekindling romantic feelings, which can be problematic and destructive for all parties.

So before agreeing to a friendship with an ex, make sure that you are ready for it and that your motives are pure. Remember that maintaining a friendship with an ex can be difficult and requires mutual respect and understanding.


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