The path to positivity: six steps to a joyful life

12 мар, 15:28

We all strive to be surrounded by positive people who can share their joy and love. Interested in learning how to become such a positive person who radiates positive vibes? Then this article is for you, and January is a great time to start on the road to positive change.

1. "I love... myself."

Learning to accept yourself with all your traits is the key to a positive outlook on life. Use the "Seeing from the outside in" exercise by creating a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Revisit them, imagining that these traits belong to someone else, and realize that your weaknesses may contain unique strengths.

2. "you're ok, I'm ok."

In addition to being positive about yourself, it's important to see the positivity in those around you. Before starting a conversation, think about the good qualities of your conversation partner. This exercise will help you enter dialogs with a positive outlook on communication.

3- The Magic of Formulation

Thinking and wording your thoughts plays a key role in creating a positive mindset. Avoid using negative wording and get used to saying "I want" instead of "I don't want". This exercise will help you create a positive mindset.

4- Image is everything!

Clothes, hair and makeup can affect your mood and confidence. Create images that bring you joy and confidence by taking inspiration from the heroine of a novel who lifted her mood with a stylish outfit.

5. Start with yourself

Eliminate the desire to change others from your vocabulary. Instead, focus on your own change. Think about what you can improve in yourself before you desire change in others.

6. Plus Optimism

An optimistic attitude favors a positive view of the world. Develop your optimism by focusing on the positive things in life. Use the "happily ever after" exercise by recalling moments when difficulties turned into turning points.

7. No more grades!

Don't put "good" or "bad" labels on events. Instead, add a label of "interesting." The "Interesting" exercise will help you see situations not only as positive and negative, but also as opportunities.

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