Smile and teeth: men's first impression when meeting women

10 фев, 08:48

Teeth are one of the first criteria that men pay attention to when meeting women of the opposite sex. According to the research conducted by portal, a woman's smile and the condition of her teeth become an important factor for 58% of men. This conclusion came as a surprise to the authors of the three-year study.

The second most important element in the list of men's preferences when getting acquainted is hair. About 51% of respondents noted that a girl's hair plays a key role in forming a first impression.

Closing the top three important factors are style and quality of clothing, which also attract men's attention during the first acquaintance.

These findings reinforce the trend noted earlier by researchers from Australia and Singapore, pointing to the evolutionary roots of the fickle nature of women and their desire to improve themselves in the eyes of a partner.

Thus, smile, hair and clothing style appear to be key components of the first impression women make on men when meeting them.


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