Helping a child who stutters: doctors' opinions

08 фев, 15:28

If your child is struggling with stuttering, it is important to remain calm and take the right steps to support them. Stuttering in children is usually successfully treated, especially if you start intervention before the age of 4. This condition is accompanied by interruptions in speech, such as repetition of sounds, syllables or phrases, accompanied by tension, anxiety and fear of speaking.

Here are some methods that can help your child if he or she has stuttering.

Speaking without rushing: Speak to your child without rushing, pausing at regular intervals. Your slow and calm speech will be more helpful than criticism or advice like "talk slower."

Reduce questions: Reduce the number of questions you usually ask. A child speaks more easily when they can express themselves freely.

Using facial expressions and gestures: Support the child by using facial expressions and gestures to show that you are listening carefully to the content rather than paying attention to the way he or she says it.

Allocate time: Take a few minutes each day at the same time where your child can express themselves freely. These quiet moments will help create an atmosphere of trust.

Teaching communication: Help the whole family learn to take turns listening to each other. Stuttering children find it easier to talk when they are listened to and not interrupted.

Observing Communication: Pay attention to your own communication style with your child, try to listen and reduce criticism and questions.

Support and acceptance: The most important support you can provide is to accept your child for who they are, regardless of the stuttering problem. Your love and support can be a powerful healing factor.

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