Why men's choice in a partner is not random: secrets revealed by a psychologist

31 янв, 15:28

American psychologist John Molloy offers answers to the troubling question: why do some women become wives and others don't? In his book "why men marry some and don't marry others," he explores the key qualities that make women attractive for starting a family.

Religious and political views, values and socio-economic status are factors men look at when choosing a partner.

Appearance attracts, but character holds back. Men value positive attitude, energy and favorability. Beauty turns out to be less important for starting a family.

"Situational Virgins" - those who uphold family values in image and manners attract men's attention. Overly sexual images are often seen as entertainment.

More than 70% of men realize their bride-to-be is a "good girl" within a short time.

Approval from family is important to most men, and this influences the decision to marry. Almost a third admitted that family approval influenced their decision.

Pressure from women to propose marriage is not uncommon. Most men, while not always ready for the "When are we getting married?" question, note that they take it into consideration and expect active action from their partner.

So, ladies, you should know where to be active and where to show meekness of character! Good luck in your search for love and family happiness!

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