Common mistakes in raising children: how to avoid misunderstandings

14 янв, 15:28

In this article we will discuss several common mistakes made by parents in the process of raising their children. every adult goes a long way through the "school of life" before taking responsibility for a child, but not all parents pay sufficient attention to their own preparation, which can lead to mistakes in parenting.

don't cross the line: avoid overstepping parental authority, as this can destroy a trusting relationship with the child. parents should not impose their will and make decisions for the child without taking into account the child's opinion.

prohibition of opinion: encourage the child to express his or her opinion, even if it differs from yours. avoid attempts to suppress the child's opinion and respect his or her point of view.

Endless adult selfishness: avoid selfishness and aggression in your relationship with your child. patience and explanations will help to better understand and resolve conflicts.

Lack of attention: give your child enough time and attention to avoid possible behavioral problems. lack of attention can lead to pampering and misunderstandings.

In this article we will provide recommendations on how to avoid these mistakes and create healthy relationships with children. be attentive and patient and you will be able to avoid many misunderstandings in the process of raising your children.

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