Six commandments of a successful married life

07 янв, 08:48

Modern married life often faces various challenges, and building a strong relationship requires special attention and wisdom. Valerio Albisetti, a prominent psychoanalyst and founder of personalistic psychotherapy, offers six valuable recommendations that can help create a happy marriage.

First commandment: Personal responsibility for happiness in marriage lies with you. Awareness of your own responsibility is the foundation of a sustainable relationship.

The second recommendation: Do not shift the blame for all difficulties and misunderstandings to your spouse. Mutual understanding and cooperation are key elements of a successful union.

Third commandment: Do not become a victim of a situation where something goes wrong. Illusions and self-deception can destroy a marriage. It is important to perceive problems realistically and look for ways to solve them.

Fourth tip: Before you believe something, consider how closely those beliefs match reality. Illusions can create false expectations that lead to disappointment.

Fifth commandment: Don't strive for perfection. Demanding perfection from both yourself and your partner can be a source of tension and dissatisfaction.

Finally, the sixth tip: Have an open dialog with your spouse. Talk about your desires, joys, worries, and successes. Sharing information and emotions promotes mutual understanding and strengthens your relationship.

These six principles proposed by Valerio Albisetti can be the basis for building a happy and stable marriage that can overcome all the difficulties of life.

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