Foods and pregnancy: what to avoid

01 янв, 15:28

During pregnancy, many aspects of a woman's health are subject to change, especially the gastrointestinal tract. Uncontrolled consumption of fried, spicy foods and strong drinks can aggravate heartburn, common among expectant moms.

However, proper nutrition plays a key role in maintaining health during this period. Avoid exotic fruits and vegetables, preferring those that grow in your region.

Citrus fruits, strawberries and chocolate can be potential allergens, so it is worth limiting their consumption. Early fruits and vegetables may contain more nitrates, so it is advisable to be careful with them. Mushrooms, although edible, can be a burden on the gastrointestinal tract and can cause pancreatic and intestinal reactions.

Taking care of your own health is important not only for the mom-to-be, but also for the health of your growing baby. Provoking diseases and experimenting with nutrition can have a negative impact on both.

It is important to monitor the quality and origin of foods, especially during pregnancy, to ensure the healthy development of the baby and the well-being of the expectant mother.

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