31 дек, 08:48
Children living near busy highways are at increased risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a new study. These findings, from scientists in the US, emphasize the importance of the air environment in shaping children's health.
chapter 1: risk to children near a highway
The study included children born and raised in different parts of the city away from roads or close to busy highways. Tracking lasted from birth to age seven, and the results were alarming: children exposed to vehicle emissions before birth and in the first year of life were more susceptible to ADHD.
chapter 2: the impact of transportation pollution
Experts at Cincinnati Medical Center Children's Hospital believe that toxic substances exposed to the body during intrauterine development and early childhood can cause narrowing of blood vessels in the brain, which becomes the catalyst for ADHD symptoms.
chapter 3: air as a risk factor for child health
These results add strong evidence to the fact that air quality in urban environments is a significant risk factor for children's health. The threat of hyperactivity and attention problems begins even before birth, when children are still in the womb.
chapter 4: toxic substances and adverse effects
The study authors emphasize that toxic substances that enter the body early in life can have long-term effects, including attention disorders and behavioral problems.
chapter 5: aspects of caring for the urban environment
This study raises questions about caring for the urban environment with the health of future generations in mind. What steps can be taken to reduce transportation emissions and improve air quality?
chapter 6: air and the psyche: a link for all ages
This new evidence also supports previous research indicating that air pollution has a negative impact on people's mental health, regardless of age.
Taking care of air quality in urban environments becomes an urgent task, especially with the realization that dirty air affects the health of our children before they are born and in their early years.
Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/559761.html
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