27 дек, 15:28
In the world of relationships, as if in a trap, glimpses "a spoon of tar" - a careless word that can destroy all hopes for harmony. Especially hurt hurt sinister comments from those we love. Before you say the next nasty thing to "hit" harder, you should ask yourself four important questions:
1. Will it hurt him or her?
Sometimes we utter rash words, simply because they are on our lips. However, is it worth it to interfere with that flow when we may be hurting a loved one?
2. Should we wait before speaking out?
In a state of anger, it is difficult to foresee the consequences of one's words. Stop and think: is it worth risking your relationship or is it better to wait a bit to say everything with equanimity?
3. Is it really worth it?
A question worth taking seriously. Is it really worth ruining a relationship over a minor trifle? Evaluate whether your offense is really justified.
4. Can I express it differently?
Criticism doesn't always have to be negative. Sometimes waiting and expressing your thoughts more gently can make your remark much more constructive and effective.
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