16 дек, 08:48
It is very difficult to build a strong and harmonious relationship with a young man. and if you have succeeded, they need to be cherished. in order not to make fatal mistakes and not to spoil the relationship, avoid the following behavior.
Do not make him remarks in bed. no man will not like reproaches to his sexual abilities. and if you also decide to compare it with his ex, it can be a serious reason to break the relationship.
Do not point out his financial inability. If your young man does not earn enough, in no case do not tell him about it, he may decide that you need him only as a source of money. hint to him that he is worthy of more, and it is high time to think about changing jobs.
Don't get your way by crying. a woman's tears disarm a man. when he sees you crying, your boyfriend will do everything he can to bring a smile back to your face. but if you abuse this weapon, your boyfriend will think he's messing with a hysterical woman, and the next time you have a tantrum, he'll just slam the door.
Do not take your boyfriend shopping. shopping affects men like a red rag on a bull, so never offer your lover to go shopping with you.
Do not pester him with questions like "do you love me?", "what are you thinking about now?" and so on. it is good if you hear an indifferent "yes" in response, but often such questions just irritate men, and you risk hearing something more unpleasant.
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